Quiz naming hydrocarbons

Quia - Chemistry
These Chemistry Drill pages are designed for AP, IB, A-Level & 1st year university students trying to get to grips with the subject.
Naming simple compounds - Chemical.
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alkenes are a series of hydrocarbon molecules (made of carbon and hydrogen atoms). They are referred to as 'unsaturated' hydrocarbons because they have a carbon

Organic Nomenclature - Alkanes.
Binary ionic compounds are composed of two elements. The first element is a metal. The second element is a non metal. An "ide" suffix is used to indicate that
Naming Organic Compounds Part II.
Quiz naming hydrocarbons
Quiz naming hydrocarbons
Organic Nomenclature - Alkanes. TIGERS IN THE ATTIC - Directory Listing. Quia Web allows users to create and share online educational activities in dozens of subjects, including Chemistry.
There are often many overlapping naming systems for chemical compounds. Nowhere is that more true than in organic chemistry. Presented here are basic principals of
Naming Organic Compounds Part II.